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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Do You Have 20 Minutes?

Do You Have 20 Minutes?

As many of you probably have heard, Dr. Stephen R. Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and world renowned leadership expert passed away July 16, age 79.

Photo courtesy of www.StephenCovey.com

Dr. Covey has meant a lot to me. As a young missionary, my mission president fed us a steady diet of Dr. Covey's teachings. When I returned home one of the first things I did was purchase "The Seven Habits" and read it. It has profoundly changed my life. Not only have I grown as a person, husband, father, friend by applying its principles, but it started me on a journey of self improvement that continues today. My insatiable appetite for growing and improving as a person is a result of Dr. Covey.

As I read Dr. Covey's obituary I was in awe of the man portrayed. Certainly he was a household name, and had trained hundreds of thousands of people, some very well known, but he was a man that was content to be a father, husband, friend and Christian. These areas are where, I believe, he gauged his success or failure as a person.

I want to share a quote from Dr. Covey that his children say he would often repeat to them:

"If you will spend twenty minutes each day with the Savior of the world in private worship, you will spend eternity in his presence." Stephen R. Covey

The obituary said his daily routine was to get up early, find a quiet spot and spend time in reflection, prayer and scripture study.

Think about that quote.

Think about the type and character of the man who said it.

Then answer this:

Question: Do You Have 20 minutes a day? How do/will you spend those 20 minutes?

I know that Christ lives and is the Savior of the World! I know that it is only through His sacrifice that we have hope of redemption.

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  1. Great post and reminder for me. Occasionally, I will track how I spend my time for about a week just so I can track how many things I'm doing that are unnecessary. It's easy to waste time with so many distractions available these days and it is always a struggle to remin myself to make time for devotions and prayer. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. I'm glad it was helpful Chris! I've learn a lot of things from Dr. Covey over the years, but I think this quote is probably one of the most profound I've read!! I suppose prayer and scripture study would fall into the category of important, but not urgent...
      Thanks for taking the time!!

  2. Truly amazing man! And what a great reminder - I spend time in the mornings with devotions and prayer, but sometimes email, social media or the concerns of the day sneak in and steal some of that time. I will renew my focus on safeguarding that time every day.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to stop by Carol!! That quote really hit me when I read it! I'm glad you liked it as well
