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Sunday, April 1, 2012

General Conference Postgame

Wow! What a great General Conference (is there any other kind?)!!! I LOVE the chance to take a step back from life for 10 hours and get refocused on what is truly important in life!

My wife made a great observation during one of the sessions. She said, "you know, its great that General Conference is every 6 months, because it seems that is about when you start needing some motivation." I couldn't agree more whole heartedly! General Conference is always very timely!

I just wanted share with you a little bit of my favorite parts of the Coference and what I gleened from it.

Looking back over all 5 sessions, I felt like, for me, the over arching message was that in an increasingly wicked world, I need to step up and be better. I need to double down on being a better husband, father, son, brother, and priesthood holder. There were several talks that focused on the importance of parenting. Elder Ballard's talk in the Sunday Afternoon Session was one of the best talks of the entire weekend. He talked alot about how all of the problems, concerns, and issues we see in society are simply symptoms of the real problem we're facing--the decaying family unit. I would highly recommend going back and watching or reading his talk.

Another great talk was Elder Quinton L. Cook's talk in the Saturday Afternoon Session. I loved his quote where he said, "...mothers and fathers, praying with children may be more important than any other example..." What great counsel that is to us as parents!

Finally I really appreciated a couple missionary minded talks. Brother Richard C. Edgley from Priesthood Session spoke alot about missionary work as it pertains to less-active members. The story he told about the grandfather who had spent much of his life less-active, and now that he had come back to activity was tormented by the fact that three generations of his family were not active because of his inactivity. Second was Elder David Evans talk, which also focused on missionary work. The central theme of both of these talks seemed to be that sharing the Gospel with one person, is not really sharing the Gospel with only one person, but with hundreds and thousands of future generations that will benefit from an ancestor that accepts the Gospel.

Anyway, I could go on and on and on about my favorite parts of Conference, but I won't bore you. I may refer back to several in coming posts.

Also, if you are interested, I tweeted my favorite quotes during all 5 sessions. Check out my
Twitter profile @Skropp2 for all my tweeting...or visit my Facebook wall, all of those quotes are also posted there.

We, truly, Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet, President Monson, to guide us in these latter days!

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